Clark is playing a lead role in helping bridge the gap between school and employment.

As a board member of of DYW North East, Clark IT’s commercial director Margo Milne says other SMEs might be pleasantly surprised of the rewards that come from working with schools to develop pupils’ skills for the world of work.

Her call to action has been backed by Aberdeen oil tycoon Sir Ian Wood, a major supporter of DYW.

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Clark IT has signed up to a new campaign to build safer business – and a stronger Scotland.

We’ve pledged our commitment to the Scottish Business Resilience Centre drive which has the backing of Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue.

This is a national network approach that’s committed to making businesses safe from fire, crime and, in our increasingly digital working lives, cybercrime.

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Inverness Chamber of Commerce has named Clark IT as their member of the week. In an interview with the Chamber, Austen Clark said: “The digital transformation has changed all our lives, but with this transfer comes new responsibilities, like how to keep personal data secure and how to ensure systems are protected from hackers or disasters like flood or fire.”

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Austen at FH

Scotland’s pioneering technology sector could be left trailing behind other countries in the race to develop artificial intelligence, software and cybersecurity because of an acute skills shortage, a leading tech expert fears.

Businessman Austen Clark believes that competition to recruit from Scotland’s talent pool is so great that firms need to invest in school leavers and young people by offering apprenticeships and training.

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