Ewens of Cornhill: the changing road ahead

Ewens of Cornhill

Just like every other industry, the motor trade is not immune from the growing rise in cybercrime.

Traditional security considerations for motor traders used to centre on the physical risk - from premise security to keys and anti-theft devices.

However, the data held on computer systems is just as valuable an asset as the shining fleet of vehicles proudly displayed in showrooms and forecourts.

Ewens of Cornhill has an established relationship with Clark Integrated Technologies and knows that its digital network needs are every bit as much protection as its large stock of new and used cars.

Its reputation, as the main Honda franchise dealer in the Banffshire area, depends on it.

Threats – both from internal and external sources – are wide reaching and include phishing, malware, spyware, hacking and distributed denial of service attack. The consequences can be devastating: reputational damage, business interruption and customer data theft, with potential criminal proceedings.

Alan Ewen, company director of the family-run business, said that cybersecurity is now a key driver for any successful business – and believes the protocols and processes that Ewens has in place helped it on the road to being named top Northern Dealer for the last eight years by Honda.

Alan commented: “We’ve come a long way since our grandfather started out in business over 73 years ago. Back then cars were chiefly about mechanics and engineering; now the modern automotive industry has digital systems at the centre of its operations.

“Technology and cyber challenges that were once the realm of the digital economy are now just as real and relevant in the motor trade sector.

“Working with Clark IT, we’ve had IT support tailor made to our requirements and we’ve developed a good relationship with them; we have access to a team of IT specialists looking after our services who are there when we need them.”