Cyber Essentials – a certification that helps you guard against online threats and demonstrates your commitment to good cyber health – is a must if your business has public sector contracts or wants to bid for them in future.
More and more organisations – especially central and local government – want their suppliers to show evidence that digital security ranks highly on their agenda, and the Cyber Essentials mark does just that.
Luckily, there’s never been a better time to up the game and gain accreditation as Scottish SMEs and sole traders can receive up to £1000 towards the costs of Cyber Essentials certification. Here’s what you need to know.
What is Cyber Essentials?
It’s a UK-government assurance scheme to encourage organisations to adopt good practice when it comes to digital data security. It covers fundamental security controls that organisations need to have in place to help defend against the rising tide of cyber security attacks.
What does it involve?
It covers essential information like security around internet connections, devices and software; controlling access to data and services, protection from viruses and other malware and security updates.
It’s in a questionnaire format that has been purposely designed to be lightweight and easy to follow, while providing a respected standard in cyber security.
Why should I apply?
It’s easier to ask why you wouldn’t apply.
It helps your business protect itself from online security threats.
It allows you to demonstrate your commitment to cyber security to prospective customers. This in turn can open up new sources of revenue and gives your partners and clients reassurance, knowing that your operation has robust security in place.
Your business will be listed in a directory of organisations that have Cyber Essentials accreditation and you can use the logo as part of your branding.
And right now there’s money available to Scottish SMEs to help gain the accreditation.
Who qualifies for the voucher?
It’s for sole traders and SMEs with fewer than 250 employees that are registered in Scotland and that are new to the Cyber Essentials accreditation scheme.
The grant is awarded after completing the Cyber Essentials process, so the costs need to be funded up front. However, once you’ve passed, Scottish Enterprise will offer a payment to qualifying businesses of up to £1000.
The cash pot is open for applications until March 2020 and is available on a first come, first served basis so the sooner you act, the better chance you have of tapping into this funding stream.
What does the process involve?
It’s simple and easy. The certification is based on a straightforward questionnaire and an external vulnerability scan to support aspects of the questions. Clark IT will support you through the process, with accreditation awarded on passing the test.
How much am I likely to receive through the voucher scheme?
Each application is judged on its merits, but the voucher can cover up to 100% of the costs of gaining the accreditation.
I’m keen…what are the next steps?
Clark IT is a certified body for Cyber Essentials and have helped organisations large and small, private and charitable, towards accreditation – and can help you too.
To get started call us 01888 511441 or click on the button below to get in touch.